by 艾鍗學院, 2012-03-28 17:39, 人氣(2710)
1) Write and test a Fibonacci() function that uses a loop instead of recursion to calculate Fibonacci numbers.
f(n)=f(n-1)+f(n-2) if n > 2
f(n)=n if 0<=n<=2
2) Write a routine that rotates the bit pattern for the character c left b bits.
unsigned char rotate_left(unsigned char c, unsigned char b)
ex. rotate_left(0xa3,2) returns 0x8e
3) Write a to_base_n(int number,int base) function which prints the number that is its first argument to the number base given by the second argument.
For example, to_base_n(129,8) would display 201, the base-8 equivalent of 129.
Please implement to_base_n() function in Recursive version and Non-recursive version.