C程式設計作業--for 就業班同學
by 艾鍗學院, 2011-03-16 17:14, 人氣(4239)
C程式設計作業 --- 簡單訂位系統
The Colossus Airlines fleet consists of one plane with a seating capacity of 30. It makes one flight daily. Write a seating reservation program with the following features:
- The program uses linked list. Each structure should hold a seat identification number, a marker that indicates whether the seat is assigned, the last name of the seat holder, and the first name of the seat holder.
- The program displays the following menu:
To choose a function, enter its letter label:
a) Show number of empty seats
b) Show list of empty seats
c) Show alphabetical list of seats (sorting)
d) Assign a customer to a seat assignment
e) Delete a seat assignment
f) Quit
- The program successfully executes the promises of its menu. Choices d) and e) require additional input, and each should enable the user to abort entry.
- After executing a particular function, the program shows the menu again, except for choice f).
- Data is saved in a file between runs. When the program is restarted, it first loads in the data, if any, from the file.(file I/O)
1. 須使用C 語言
2. 有限時間內極盡可能地以物件導向的思維來撰寫 (功能正確50%, 軟體架構50%)
3. 使用 struct 定義person, seat, 系統操作以function pointer來實現show, assign,delete,sort.等操作.