巨有科技股份有限公司 誠徵SoC Physical Design Engineer
by 艾鍗學院, 2016-03-29 15:40, 人氣(1246)
SoC Physical Design Engineer,具一年以上工作經歷佳。

(1)Responsible for ASIC Backend / Physical Implementation, including floorplan, power plan, physical synthesis, clock tree synthesis, routing, si, DFM, DRC/LVS in both hierarchical and low power designs. 
(2)Responsible for Physical Design flow research, development and automation.

(1) 熟悉 IC 後段 APR 流程, 具相關 tape out 經驗者佳。
(2)對於開發及推廣 Physical Design Flow 有興趣者。
(3)熟悉相關 EDA tools(Synopsys Astro / IC Complier, Cadence SOC Encounter)者尤佳。
(4)具程式設計 ( TCL, Perl, C/C++ ) 能力者。

有意願者請洽 艾鍗科技 專案人員
Lydia /  (02)2316-7736 /  lydia@ittraining.com.tw
James /  (02)2316-7732 /  james@ittraining.com.tw