D-Link Router 的Web 操作界面(模擬)
by 艾鍗學院, 2013-06-19 14:17, 人氣(2228)
  wireless authentication method here.
: ‘Open System’, ‘Shared Key’, ‘WPA-PSK’,

WEP Open

  • While it may not sound like a secured network, a WEP Open key requires users to know the WEP key in order to connect the network. In an Open network, a client computer sends an authentication request in the form the WEP key to the router. The router authenticates the key and, if it is correct, allows the client to connect to the network.

WEP Shared

  • A WEP Shared network works similar to an Open network with a difference in how a client connects. In a Shared network, the client sens an authentication request to the network. The network responds with a challenge text packet to the client. The client returns the challenge text packet to the network encrypted with the correct WEP key. The network then uses the WEP key to decrypt the challenge packet and allow the client to connect.

    WPS (WiFi  Protected Setup)
